
This will be my year of "firsts"; that is firsts after cancer... first mammogram, first bone scan, first blood work. 

I've already had the first mammogram in December and that went well. I was scheduled for my first bloodwork and oncologist follow-up in May, but we have bumped that up a bit. I've had so much discomfort, which I believe is from the Letrozole (Femara generic), that I called the Nurse Advice line this week. 

The Letrozole is prescribed to me because my breast cancer was estrogen receptive, and the risk of recurrence is enough to cause concern. The Letrozole is to help prevent recurrence of breast cancer or any other lurking cancer cells that may be hanging on out there. As much as I'd like to think I am free and clear for ever, I know this is not true. A perfect example is a dear cousin who just had a recurrence after 10 years cancer free. So it is definitely something to take seriously. The Letrozole is a daily pill and is prescribed for 5 years. One of the side-effects is bone pain and bone loss. A bone scan was performed before it was prescribed to be sure I didn't already have some form of osteoporosis. And they will be done periodically as time goes by to be sure my bones are still holding up while taking this drug.
The pain I'm having comes on mid-day and gets worse as time goes on, especially if I am doing a lot of standing or after a nice long walk. It has been getting worse over the last couple of months, and now I am feeling it in my lower legs, rather than just hips, thighs and buttocks. When I can't get to sleep, or wake up in pain, then it's time to talk to the oncologist. 

So I left them a detailed voice message and they returned the call saying I need to come in and see the My Oncologist. One good thing is I get to see all those smiling faces at Redwood Regional Medfcal Center after several months.

I will report back later this week after I see Dr. Anderson.

Debbie... aka the cancer warrior ... AND SURVIVOR!!!


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